Here is what I master
(or tend to)

I love ReactJS because it allows us to create dynamical components very easily.


TypeScript is a very powerful language, It really helps to stay consistent in our code when using JavaScript.


I really like JavaScript as it allows us to build any type of project, from the frontend to the backend, even on mobile with all its frameworks and alternative languages.


Python is the first language I learned to use. It's really powerful and really wordy and I think it's a really good language.


I discovered Django recently but I really like it, it's probably my favorite framework / language for the backend.

Even if I'm not really into PHP, I think it's a great language to learn to start as it's really wordy and its documentation is well done.


HTML is really a good "language" to start to learn developing and I think it's pretty fun to build the structure of a page with it.

I really like CSS even if it's not really consistent 😅

I use SASS to write SCSS and I think it's a really cool tool as it allows me to write CSS a "better" way.


I started using Linux in October 2021 when I started developing and since this day I learn new things everyday.

I use Git everyday to keep a trace of all my work. In addition to Git, I use GitHub and its Actions to manage this portfolio and others works.


MySQL is a great language to manage databases. I used it on all the projects I worked on that needed a database.