My projects

My Programming Projects

Escape Game Show the project

During the first lockdown in 2020, I learnt by myself how to use Unreal Engine 4 and I built an escape game based on what we had learnt in class. (Logic gates, Binary, Directories system in Windows, Text Hashing) This project took me around 400 hours of hard work and made me push my technical limits.

Random Shapes and Colors Show the project

At highschool I had an art class, and for a project I decided to use Python (with turtle module) to build a shape generator, you can decide of the shape (square, circle, triangle or parallelepiped), and the number of turns (the number of shapes drawn), and it will choose randomly a position, a color and a size for each shape.

Karaoke Show the project

I developed a karaoke using JavaScript which displays lyrics while the music is playing. Using a file containing lyrics and timings to show them. I used Regex to sort timings and lyrics of the text file, and using AJAX method to display lyrics on the page.

Get useful informations about velibs Show the project

This project I devlopped in JavaScript, allows anyone to see the main informations about velibs in the Parmentier street in Paris. It first shows you a loading bar representing the percentage of velibs available in the street compared to the total number of charging stations. Then it shows you the exact number of velibs available (in green if the percentage is greater than the third of the total of charging borns, in red in the other case). You can also see the percentage of eVelibs (electric ones) and mechanical velibs. There is also a small map to know exactly where is the street.

Pokedex Show the project

This Pokedex made in PHP, allows you to search any Pokemon by his name, or if you don't have a favorite Pokemon to search for, you simply can search a type and it will shows you all Pokemons of the selected type. I used a JSON file containing multiple informations about more than 800 Pokemons, like their ID, their names (in english, japanese, chinese and french), their type and their statistics (HP, Attack, Defense...).

System of Bonuses and Penalties Show the project

Our english teacher put in place a bonus/penalty system in class which makes students get advantages or disadvantages at a certain point of bonuses/penalties. To keep the trace of every student bonuses and penalties, I developed this little website that allows me to add bonuses and penalties to any student. I used PHP and MySQL to update a database that contains all the informations about all the students.

My Integration Projects

Curriculum Vitae

Project screenshot

Scss Exercise

Project screenshot